Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Yup...makes me uncomfortable all right..

Day 3 of the the Challenge is "things that make you uncomfortable."....

While posting here lately I haven't been very serious, maybe it's time I switch gears alitle bit...

Since my mother died, the thing that makes me most uncomfortable is being around her side of the family during holidays, parties, graduations...etc. Don't get me wrong, I love most of my family, but at the same time, its just me, my brother is away at the moment, and you couldn't pay him to hang out with them anyways, and my parents are divorced, so here I "hey, its ashley...i'm feelin lonely, I don't have any family stories". Basically, I'm weird, and shy, and even though i've known these people my whole life, it doesn't make certain situations any easier.

My family is very well known in this area, they started a mill here in town, most of my family have went to private and very expensive schools, and then went off to UGA, Georgia Tech or some other college that I would never pay to go to (although if I had to pick....goooooooo dawgs!!!)

I will be 28 at the end of this month, I am not married, I do not have kids, I did not finish college and my life is pretty much as unstable as you can be without all those things. I do have a wonderful job that I am very thankful for, working for a Judge in this court system, but am I living up to my goals and aspirations? Hell to the no, lol because i'm lazy, and indifferent, and have no clue where I want to be in five years..much less twenty.

So anways...getting back to the subject at hand, I miss my mother, and being in the family social setting is not easy for me. They look to me for updates on my brother and at times estranged father, and it seems that they are judging me on the inside, waiting to watch my life crash before their eyes. I certainly love them, but I have been very tired the past few years trying to gain their respect and make sure that I meet their standards of how I should live my life, according to family status. Yes, hello...I am one of the black sheep in my family. Now, I feel like I am rambling, but I think you all get the point, whoever is reading this, and maybe someone can understand where i'm coming from, then again im sure some are thinking, suck it up, you still got family! This is where I chuckle softly and try handling my family, they are just as crazy and uptight as most "southern families".....

Something I'm pretty good at..

Today's prompt in the Blog Every Day in May Challenge is to write about something that you know a lot about, or are good at...we'll lets see...

I am pretty good at a lot of things, a master of something? I'm not so sure about that, but I think something that could hold your interest would be this...

Five Tips on How to Enjoy yourself at an American Legion got that right....sit back and enjoy!
1. Please come prepared with your dancin shoes...there might be square dancin, line dancin, booty shakin, hand clappin...and of course two steppin with your favorite man or woman..I have included a picture of my friend Chads dancin shoes (side note: he sent me this picture before our friday night ritual...just to show off his shoes)

2. Once said shoes are safely on your feet...proceed to like your life depends on it and that beer will not be served if you choose to sit this dance out...feel free to bend the borders a little and dance with someone of the same sex...its fun, trust me

3. Always, always keep some food on had, there is a lot of drinking to be had, and you will most definitly get the muchies...and you probably skipped dinner eat up!

4. Make sure to get your Reba, Miranda, TLC and Joplin on...sing your little heart out...its good for the soul

5. Always try to drink a Redbull, Redline...or 5hr Energy drink, you are going to need it, 3+ hours of hardcore, balls to the wall partyin...and you will end up like this on the bar...just you wait...its a blast

Please come back for more good times, maybe better picture quality one day...and hopefully some laughs...the summer is just gettin stirred up!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Story of your 250 words or less

Today's topic is "the story of your life in 250 words or less" it goes, I'm like a week behind, so sue me...I need something to do at work this week so lets get going!

I was born in Dothan, Flowers Hospital. My parents had been dating since my mother was in high school, he was the bad boy that she adored then...I'm sure. We lived in a camper in a trailer park for a few months, and then we relocated to Chapin, South Carolina, were I ended up with a little brother, who I hated... but grew to love more than myself. We moved back to my parents home town of Chickamauga, Georgia so that I could start kindergarten and my parents would soon become divorced. I loved school, I loved the family farm that I grew up on, that ran across the creek. We had 3 dogs and six or more cats at any given time throughout my whole childhood. I moved out a few years after my mother passed away of cancer when I was 20 and my brother only 18. I've had a few relationships since then and lived with one boyfriend too many. Im still learning, i'm still wishing for my "ah-ha" moment, longing to travel to foreign countries and find my fairytale ending, who knows what will happen. I'm just a young girl, from a small town looking for all the answers. I'm also a gemini...which explains a lot!

and here is a picture of my lil brother at Easter :)
I posted, hope i'm close to the 250 or less!