Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fun Fact Tuesday

Well..it's my Monday, since I got the day off work for MLK day :)

Let's talk about facts, baby!

Fact - I love animals. I would literally take home and adopt every animal I saw, if I had a huge farm, and could feed the needy that is.

Fact - My hair is naturally curly. I love this, and i'm sure it makes most women/girls jealous. But trust me, its not all sunshine and flowers. I get it from my dad, which makes me pretty lucky!

Fact - I love Tostinos pizza!! C'mon now...they are like a dollar...and so yummy!

Fact - I'm pretty redneck :/ I like gettin muddy, going on four wheel rides, fishin, and hangin out
by a fire with my friends and a cold beer! 

Fact - I LOVE THE BEACH I think salt water and warm air soothes your soul (my grandfather would always just pack up his car and hit the road to Destin, Florida, anytime he got sick, or felt ill...wouldn't even tell us he was leaving, he'd just go for a quick week and be back)

Fact - My brother is my best friend True story...True Life!
Fact - I love scary movies ~ The scarier, the better.... Although I may not be able to walk to the bathroom alone at night, but Beetlejuice has been my fav movie since I was like 3years old.

Fact - The food on my place must not touch....ok, when I was younger, this was def. true. I could only put one food item in my mouth at once and it cannot touch each other on my plate, no "mixing foods" for me. Now not so much, I've learned to mix my flavors...and that sounds crazy!
Fact - I can make my jaw bone pop...hell maybe I have TMJ...whatever that actually is, but it freaks the Boo out that I do this, and apparentely a lot in my sleep.
Fact - Doing laundry hurts me. However there are no words for how much I love a clean kitchen.
I would rather clean the kitchen of a frat house than do 1 load of laundry.

Fact - I love to fish. Yup...you got it, I could fish all day long, with a radio..and a cold drink. We grew up every summer deep sea fishing as a family with a captin in Destin, Florida that my grandfather knew! (The Sunrise was the name of the ship)
(thats it :)   )

Fact - I am spoiled rotten ...but I would like to say I know wrong from right, and what is expected of me in certain situations..#southernbelleissues

Fact - I hate buying new make up! dislike even spending the money on it...but I need it

Fact - I am SUPER STOKED to be MOVING this weekend!!!

So, what are your fun facts? Go Link Up!!
xoxo ~Ashley Marie

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