Thursday, January 17, 2013

Time for Bread and Milk in the South...

So yes...its thursday...i'm bored at this job as usual..and I am constantly keeping up with the weather channel and the three local news stations to see if there is a slight chance that I could be going home early...even 20 minutes early is fine with me....but i'd prefer about 4 hours early!

Apparently in the South, for those of you who don't live here...its pretty normal for me to get off work at 5:00, make it to the store by 5:20 and literally there is NO BREAD OR MILK in sight as long as the local weather man is predicting a quarter inch-one inch of snow. Funny to me, since I won't particularly go to the store for these items, cough, we got them last night, cough.....I am more interested in cookies, wine, a bottle of Jack Daniels and maybe a deck of cards...what if the power goes out and you cannot watch movies!!! I would freak out more if my cable went and and had to call this man....
then if I ran out of milk and bread :/ Surely there is more to eat in your fridge/freezer to last you 10-24 hours, because lets get real here...its not like we live in lets just keep the grocery buying to a minimum. If i'm not back tomorrow with a new post...its because i'm snowed in...or cannot make it out of my driveway in my 4x4...yeh right....only downfall to buying a Yukon4x4 is you cannot lie and say that you cannot get out of your driveway in almost bad weather conditions!
Ashley Marie

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