Thursday, January 24, 2013's time..lets do an A to Z

A. Age: 27...about 3 months shy of 28

B. Bed size: Queen Sized yo!

C. Chore you hate: hm....laundry, its not that I actually hate it...i'd just rather not put it up :/
Dishes...yeh that's my thang!
D. Dogs: this has been the only time in my life (the last six months) that I can remember NOT having a dog..or an animal of any kind for that matter.
E. Essential start to your day: bathroom break...first thing...its like i'm preggers...

F. Favorite color: Emerald Green

G. Gold or Silver: probably silver...but I can rock some gold now that i'm older hah

H. Height: 5'6ish..

I. Instruments you play: piano
J. Job Title: Assistant Court Administrator

K. Kids: None....yet.

L. Live: The Peach State! Georgia! <3

M. Married: well...i'm livin in sin with my man!

N. Nicknames: Bino' (short for Bambino, its what my grandfather has called me since day one, and whole...even extended family calls me this), Snooki (b/c of a bar "tiff" one night), A*Dubs

O. Overnight hospital stays: Not since birth

P. Pet peeve: What isn't my pet peeve....people talking with their mouth full of food, heavy walkers,
men who are complete assholes, women who cannot handle their drinking, and act fools on every occasion....yes...this list could go on and on

Q. Quote: "I do what I don't have to like what I do"

R. Righty or Lefty: Righty Tighty

S. Siblings: brotha man! Jesse
T. Time you wake up: When I have to work, 7:30

U. University attended: Went to Dalton State...and Northwestern earned?...nope

V. Vegetables you dislike: Brussel Sprouts

W. What makes you run late: Procrastination....laying in my bed instead of drying my damn hair.

X. X-rays you've had: On my left wrist - dirtbike accident at 16...and my jaw...

Y. Yummy food: um...MEXICAN!!

Z. Zoo animal favorite: doubt about it

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